Lassie Come-Home | Eric Knight
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26,00 lei
Everyone in the Yorkshire town of Greenall Bridge knows Lassie, the prize collie of miner Sam Carraclough and his son Joe. But when the family falls on hard times, Sam is forced to sell his dog to the Duke of Rudling, who takes her hundreds of miles away to his estate in Scotland. Undeterred by the distance and driven by instinctive love, Lassie escapes from her new owners and embarks on an epic journey to be reunited with her young master Joe. Will she overcome the hardships of the long journey and the various dangers along the way? Based on the author s own childhood memories and filled with adventure and suspense, Lassie Come-Home Eric Knight s best-loved novel and a huge best-seller, which inspired many film and TV adaptations is a timeless tale and one of the greatest dog stories ever written.
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