Sorted! – The Good Psychopath’s Guide to Bossing Your Life | Andy McNab, Kevin Dutton
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Over thirty different examples of situations and ideas to show you how you can change your approach and change your life . . .Looking to nail an INTERVIEW? Want to make a better first impression on a DATE? Trying to make your MONEY go further? Bet you never thought being a bit more PSYCHOPATH could be the answer.Time to grab that bullsh*t by the horns!Dr KEVIN DUTTON studies psychopaths and his latest subject is SAS hero ANDY MCNAB. Andy’s a bit different, he’s a GOOD PSYCHOPATH. He can control qualities like decisiveness, ruthlessness and fearlessness to get the BEST out of himself and life. Together, this unlikely duo has established what they call the SEVEN DEADLY WINS, the good psychopathic quirks that can help make you more SUCCESSFUL. And now it’s time to put their theories to the test.SORTED! THE GOOD PSYCHOPATH’S GUIDE TO BOSSING YOUR LIFE offers a new approach to the everyday to help you get more out of life than it gets out of you.
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