Your Body Speaks Your Mind – Debbie Shapiro
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99,75 lei
We all know how we cry tears when we are sad, or get butterflies in our stomach when we are nervous. These are simple connections between the mind and the body that are easy for us to understand. But what about the bigger issues, when the body gets ill, diseased, or damaged? Now with Your Body Speaks Your Mind , Deb Shapiro-author of The Body Mind Workbook and Unconditional Love-shows you a practical way to learn the language of your body so you can understand how your thoughts and feelings directly affect your physical health. The body shows us what we are unconsciously ignoring,denying,or repressing, she says. With her breakthrough book, readers learn: A system-by-system guide to your body that reveals what it is telling you about yourself * A cross-referenced index of symptomatic illnesses, from headaches to pneumonia, and the emotional imbalances they symbolize * Creative visualization and meditation techniques on CD to enhance your ability to listen to, communicate with, and heal your body, and more Healing is a continual journey-one of embracing ourselves ever more deeply, explains Deb Shapiro. Your Body Speaks Your Mind takes you on that journey, deepening your relationship with your own mind and body. Revised and updated UK bestseller.
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